Trip to the top of Europe: Vasatokka


A few days ago we got back from an amazing trip to the high North !
It was just so wonderful to travel through these amazing views and nature.
We are very grateful to ESN (Erasmus Student Network) to organize this magnificent trip!

Some awesome facts about my trip to the North!:

  • In the parts we were, there are 10 times more reindeer than residents. (less than 0,25 resident/ km²)
  • We saw a lot of wild reindeer and even almost hit a reindeer/moose twice with the bus! But our busdriver ‘Ismou’ had the right skills and experience! (There even is a law that says that you personally have to kill the reindeer you hit and pay about €800 (even more for wolverines, wolves and mooses) to the “owner” of the domain.
  • We went to visit the beautiful Snowcastle in Kemi.
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  • Met the ‘real’ Santa in Santa Claus Village (on the Artic circle)
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  • I even got my reindeer-driverslicence, valid for the next 5 years.
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  • We went to the most northern village of the EU ( Bugøynes – Norway). Our group was almost bigger than the number of residents.
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  • 90% of all the King-crabs in shops and restaurants in the world are coming from Bugøynes. (worth about €100/kg and sent alive in 24h around the world)
  • I took a dive in the freeeezing Artic Ocean @Bugøynes (of course there was a (fire-) sauna next to the place they call ‘the beach’). It’s very healthy with lots of minerals, just like your own spa!
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  • I also jumped into an Ice-hole with ice thicker than half a meter.
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  • I went on a Husky-safari (more intensive than you would think!) I even made a Huskfie! 😀
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  • Went really traditional with the spiritual Sami-people (not extinct! ) and drank out of the real  kuksa (takes about twenty years to form inside a tree after being hit by a lightning or by the antlers of a reindeer/moose).
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  • Went to visit a very old village where the houses are almost 75% underground.
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  • We slept in a beautiful wooden cottage next to the lake Mutusjärvi. (more than 300km beyond the arctic circle)
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  • We had to use snowshoes because the snow was too deep.
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  • I saw some amazing en really beautiful Northern lights (just breathtaking!)
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  • Every morning, day, evening and night the most amazing views!!
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  • … And so much more!

What an experience !  I will never forget this week! You can find some more beautiful pictures that Bernd took here (yes, click the word )

You can also vote on our picture to win our ticket around Europe:
(Click on the picture to vote via the EPOS-page on Facebook or here: )

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Britt Elen says:

    Ik zie jullie foto er nog niet tussen staan om te stemmen! Ziet er wel écht zaaalig uit daar en Bernd kan echt heel mooi fotograferen. Veel plezier nog Pablo!


    1. Tom says:

      Merci Britt! Zalig was/is het zeker. Normaal gezien staat hij nu ergens op de 3e pagina. Ik heb gehoord van u Erasmus, bangelijk!


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