Things I have been doing


You’re right, it has been a while again, and I really did A LOT!
I’m already getting the feeling that time is shortening and I’m using/living every minute of it!

Some things I did/that happened since my last post:

  • Project work: ‘The Smart Fridge’
    It speaks for itself (dunglish? 😀 ) that I’m working hard on my project with lots of up’s but definitely some “down’s” too. At one point I had to change the technology and it really felt like starting all over again, but that’s all part of the project of course.
    2015-03-26 16.30.13 2015-01-28 09.36.34
  • ESN Pirates of the Balitic sea !
    An awesome boat-trip with a cruise with over 1000 Erasmus-students on-board!
    2015-03-17 02.41.46 2015-03-16 21.39.50
    Really an amazing weekend, and a Duvel was even cheaper than a Stella 😀
    Bernd made a nice blog-post off this trip. You can find it here !
  • Big Air Championship 2015
    I went to this nice event with some friends. We really saw some amazing stunts and crazy back-flips! The weather was nice and the snow was perfect.
    Snapchat-3843607641387427716 898961_992046660805955_809556367_o
    Nice fact: it was a free event!
  • My Birthday!
    It was my b-day on the 25th of march. It started that night in ‘Hevimesta’ where the group surprised me with a birthday-song at the karaoke. I got lots of postcards, messages and even postpackets! When I got back from school that day the awesome people of Otokylä were waiting at my door with a really nice cake. They sang happy-birthday for me in more than 5 different languages. I was speechless…
    2015-03-25 02.07.25 2015-03-26 08.25.22
    2015-03-27 11.02.17 2015-03-24 06.52.47
  • Birthday 2.0 in Stockholm with the best girlfriend in the world!
    The 27th of march it was already waaaaaaaaay too long since I saw my little Rocket! We couldn’t resist it anymore so we had to plan a visit. We decided to explore Stockholm together and it was such an amazing amazing week again! We went to the great ‘Vasa-museum’ (really nice), did the crazy Skyview over Stockholm on the Ericsson globe (where artists like Paul McCartney, MetallicaThe Rolling Stones, Red Hot Chili Peppers and many more like to perform).
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    2015-03-31 12.35.17 2015-03-31 12.30.102015-03-31 12.23.29 2015-03-31 12.28.25   2015-03-31 11.48.11 2015-03-31 12.28.45
    We also had such a great accommodation again, for such a good price! ‘Lunda Pensionat’ was inc. an amazing view (!), Good breakfast, Free wifi, perfect location,… A friend of me had been on Erasmus in Stockholm and recommended us Samborombon where we had a delicious dinner for my birthday!
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    We also went to the beautiful Gamla Stan, the Sofie-path, the narrowest street,…
    Shortly said: there are not enough words or pictures to tell you how great this visit was again! I’m looking forward to see you here in Oulu soon!!!
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  • Family visiting!
    When I got back I got the first visit of my close family! My lovely aunt and my awesome sister came to Oulu for 4 days.  I immediately showed them all my pictures very enthusiastic and gave them a tour around my neighborhood and accommodation! We also did a “little walk” ( haha 😀 ) to the beach! Where the sun was shining but we still could walk like Jesus did!
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    We couldn’t complain about the food either! We went to eat a real reindeer-steak which was very delicious and to a nice viking-restaurant where we ate our meal off a sword (only awesome!!)
    2015-04-02 20.11.22 2015-04-04 19.50.362015-04-04 19.47.30 2015-04-04 19.48.11

    Thank you everybody for everything!!

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