Ultimate Frisbee(r) !


In my first weeks in Oulu I found this awesome Ultimate Frisbee club: Disquitos!
After my first training I was already convinced that I was going to do this much more often.
I ended up doing it more than once a week sometimes. The teammates were very nice and I have learned a lot from them (not only on the field).

In winter we played in a sports hall, and after a while in ‘the dome’.
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When the weather was starting to get better we could go crazy on the outdoor fields!

In the middle of May I even participated a tournament weekend !! Which was awesome by the  way! The tournament was in Jyväskylä, which made it a nice roadtrip with the team too!

We stayed in a hotel with pool, sauna and everything you need after playing a whole day! (and ofc. after a crazy party in a club nearby to celebrate the awesomeness)
The first day of the tournament was outdoors, the second day was in a cool inflatable sports hall!

Disquitos was split in to two teams Whisquitos and Chickuitos (great names, right? 😀 )
I played in the Whisquitos-team which ended up on the 8th place! 👍


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It really was an awesome tournament and I even made some goals (including the first one!).

The day of my last training we went to go play FrisbeeGolf (aka DiscGolf) which is actually the most awesome way to play golf and I’m going to send a mail to get it in ‘De schorre’ in Belgium too!

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Random fact: When I got here in winter we only had darkness. But now you can stand up in the middle of the night and act like it’s two o’clock in the afternoon! Really is crazy (hard to sleep, nice to party). And it’s only getting lighter and lighter at night!

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