Guess who’s back as a surprise!

After spending my last weeks in Oulu I secretly headed back to Belgium. Only a few people knew I already landed the 30th of May, instead of the 6th of June! All this was of course part of surprising my unsuspecting girlfriend. I told her I had to sleep a bit longer because of the days without…

Ultimate Frisbee(r) !

In my first weeks in Oulu I found this awesome Ultimate Frisbee club: Disquitos! After my first training I was already convinced that I was going to do this much more often. I ended up doing it more than once a week sometimes. The teammates were very nice and I have learned a lot from them (not…

Final presentation!

On the 21st of May we had our final presentation. We really worked very hard, starting from scratch to put some intelligence in the device that you use the most in your kitchen! In this way we made the ‘Smart Fridge’ possible! Hard work paid off and our presentation was a BLAST! Our projectmanagers were more…

Shooting some assault rifles, yeah!

On a random peaceful day out tutor, Tomi, called me with the question if we would like to shoot some real assault rifles at the Finnish Army-base. Well, I don’t have to tell you that we had to think about it. We just had to gave some passport numbers and we were ready to go!…


здравствуйте ! (zdrávstvujte) This trip was absolutely amazing! I don’t know where to start! Unforgettable! The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) organised this trip to give us the opportunity to go to RUSSIA in a safe, easy, instructive but mostly AWESOME way! The planning was so full with amazing things that I can’t even articulate every -thing/day! Prepare yourself for…

Things I have been doing

You’re right, it has been a while again, and I really did A LOT! I’m already getting the feeling that time is shortening and I’m using/living every minute of it! Some things I did/that happened since my last post: Project work: ‘The Smart Fridge’ It speaks for itself (dunglish? 😀 ) that I’m working hard on my project…


You still have time for sports ? Yep, or at least I try to! Back in Belgium I did sports like rock and wall-climbing, Ultimate frisbee and Kayak-Polo. I think I found quite good replacements! Once a week I go play ‘Ultimate Frisbee’ in an awesome club nearby. The people are really great and we’re…

Trip to the top of Europe: Vasatokka

A few days ago we got back from an amazing trip to the high North ! It was just so wonderful to travel through these amazing views and nature. We are very grateful to ESN (Erasmus Student Network) to organize this magnificent trip! Some awesome facts about my trip to the North!: In the parts we were,…

‘Science Fiction’ in the ‘Smart Kitchen’

Most of the time we were posting  about our  trips and the things we did beside school. Actually one of our main activities is working on our big project: ‘The Smart Fridge’! (Sounds awesome right?) In best-case-scenario this fridge will(*): – Recognize the user – Know which products that are present in/added to the fridge – Detect…


Less than one week after I left Helsinki some Belgian friends came to visit me. Ofcourse they know what’s good and the brought the right things with them:   They stayed in our apartment for a night so we could plan our roadtrip to the north!   We First drove to Kiruna in Sweden where we…


When you don’t have any money anymore to go to the shop you will have to go on the ice to catch some fish! A couple of weeks ago I went Ice-hole-fishing with some friends on a frozen (of course) river/lake nearby. We did it for the experience and because it’s a really typical Finnish…

The perfect week in Helsinki!

I just had an amazing week. I took a plane to Helsinki to meet my girlfriend. After some research I found a flight for only €35 (and I had Free Wi-Fi onboard!!). My plane arrived one hour earlier than the plane of my girlfriend, so I had the time to already arrange the keys of our apartment…