Discovering Southern Finland

Last week I traveled to Helsinki to visit my girlfriend. I traveled by night train (see pictures bellow). It took about 10h to travel from Oulu to Helsinki. I made for a few days a culinair tour trough Southern Finland with my girlfriend. I want to discover if there is a difference between the Belgian…

The perfect week in Helsinki!

I just had an amazing week. I took a plane to Helsinki to meet my girlfriend. After some research I found a flight for only €35 (and I had Free Wi-Fi onboard!!). My plane arrived one hour earlier than the plane of my girlfriend, so I had the time to already arrange the keys of our apartment…

Second stop: Helsinki

Finally we touched the Finnish ground! The weather is not very cold as we expect… 1 degree celsius. It’s snowing outside. After we got our boarding passes and settled us at the gate. We’ve got some coffee and are in total ZEN mode! The Finnish people at the airport are very quiet. What I didn’t…